Here are a number of relevant publications on top-down methods and applications.  Use the search box or browse all below.

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Lakis R, Sauvage F-L, Pinault E, Marquet P, Saint-Marcoux F, El Balkhi S. 2024. Absolute Quantification of Human Serum Albumin Isoforms by Internal Calibration Based on a Top-Down LC-MS Approach. Anal. Chem.
Hidayah SN, Biabani A, Gaikwad M, Nissen P, Voß H, et al. 2024. Application of sample displacement batch chromatography for fractionation of proteoforms. PROTEOMICS. 24(3–4):2200424
Mikawy NN, Ramírez CR, DeFiglia SA, Szot CW, Le J, et al. 2024. Are Internal Fragments Observable in Electron Based Top-Down Mass Spectrometry? Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 0(0):
Schwenzer A-K, Kruse L, Jooß K, Neusüß C. 2024. Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry for protein analyses under native conditions: Current progress and perspectives. PROTEOMICS. 24(3–4):2300135
Oates RN, Lieu LB, Srzentić K, Damoc E, Fornelli L. 2024. Characterization of a Monoclonal Antibody by Native and Denaturing Top-Down Mass Spectrometry. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 35(9):2197–2208
Habeck T, Maciel EVS, Kretschmer K, Lermyte F. 2024. Charge site manipulation to enhance top-down fragmentation efficiency. PROTEOMICS. 24(3–4):2300082
D’Ippolito RA, Scheidemantle GM, Rabara D, Abreu Blanco M, Ramakrishnan N, et al. 2024. Determining KRAS4B-Targeting Compound Specificity by Top-Down Mass Spectrometry. Methods Mol Biol. 2823:291–310
Sokratous K, Cooper-Shepherd DA, Ujma J, Qu F, Giles K, et al. 2024. Enhanced Declustering Enables Native Top-Down Analysis of Membrane Protein Complexes using Ion-Mobility Time-Aligned Fragmentation. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 35(8):1891–1901
Bailey AO, Durbin KR, Robey MT, Palmer LK, Russell WK. 2024. Filling the gaps in peptide maps with a platform assay for top-down characterization of purified protein samples. PROTEOMICS. n/a(n/a):2400036
Takemori A, Kaulich PT, Konno R, Kawashima Y, Hamazaki Y, et al. 2024. GeLC-FAIMS-MS workflow for in-depth middle-down proteomics. PROTEOMICS. 24(3–4):2200431
Hellinger J, Brodbelt JS. 2024. Impact of Charge State on Characterization of Large Middle-Down Sized Peptides by Tandem Mass Spectrometry. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 35(8):1647–56
Beaumal C, Deslignière E, Diemer H, Carapito C, Cianférani S, Hernandez-Alba O. 2024. Improved characterization of trastuzumab deruxtecan with PTCR and internal fragments implemented in middle-down MS workflows. Anal Bioanal Chem. 416(2):519–32
Degnan DJ, Lewis LA, Bramer LM, McCue LA, Pesavento JJ, et al. 2024. IsoForma: An R Package for Quantifying and Visualizing Positional Isomers in Top-Down LC-MS/MS Data. J. Proteome Res.
Helms A, Brodbelt JS. 2024. Mass Spectrometry Strategies for O-Glycoproteomics. Cells. 13(5):394
Dhenin J, Lafont V, Dupré M, Krick A, Mauriac C, Chamot-Rooke J. 2024. Monitoring mAb proteoforms in mouse plasma using an automated immunocapture combined with top-down and middle-down mass spectrometry. PROTEOMICS. 24(3–4):2300069
Chapman EA, Li BH, Krichel B, Chan H-J, Buck KM, et al. 2024. Native Top-Down Mass Spectrometry for Characterizing Sarcomeric Proteins Directly from Cardiac Tissue Lysate. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 35(4):738–45
Fischer MS, Rogers HT, Chapman EA, Chan H-J, Krichel B, et al. 2024. Online Mixed-Bed Ion Exchange Chromatography for Native Top-Down Proteomics of Complex Mixtures. J. Proteome Res.
Drown BS, Gupta R, McGee JP, Hollas MAR, Hergenrother PJ, et al. 2024. Precise Readout of MEK1 Proteoforms upon MAPK Pathway Modulation by Individual Ion Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem.
Jeong K, Kaulich PT, Jung W, Kim J, Tholey A, Kohlbacher O. 2024. Precursor deconvolution error estimation: The missing puzzle piece in false discovery rate in top-down proteomics. PROTEOMICS. 24(3–4):2300068
Gant MS, Chamot-Rooke J. 2024. Present and Future Perspectives on Mass Spectrometry for Clinical Microbiology. Microbes and Infection. 105296
Su P, Hollas MAR, Butun FA, Kanchustambham VL, Rubakhin S, et al. 2024. Single Cell Analysis of Proteoforms. J. Proteome Res.
Carr AV, Bollis NE, Pavek JG, Shortreed MR, Smith LM. 2024. Spectral averaging with outlier rejection algorithms to increase identifications in top-down proteomics. PROTEOMICS. n/a(n/a):2300234
Lermyte F. 2024. The need for open and FAIR data in top-down proteomics. PROTEOMICS. 24(3–4):2300354
Saei AA, Sun L, Mahmoudi M. 2024. The role of protein corona in advancing plasma proteomics. PROTEOMICS. n/a(n/a):2400028
Berthias F, Bilgin N, Mecinović J, Jensen ON. 2024. Top-down ion mobility/mass spectrometry reveals enzyme specificity: Separation and sequencing of isomeric proteoforms. PROTEOMICS. n/a(n/a):2200471
Berthias F, Bilgin N, Mecinović J, Jensen ON. 2024. Top-down ion mobility/mass spectrometry reveals enzyme specificity: Separation and sequencing of isomeric proteoforms. PROTEOMICS. 24(3–4):2200471
Walzer M, Jeong K, Tabb DL, Vizcaíno JA. 2024. TopDownApp: An open and modular platform for analysis and visualisation of top-down proteomics data. PROTEOMICS. 24(3–4):2200403
Krombholz S, Thomas A, Delahaut P, Bidlingmaier M, Schilbach K, et al. 2023. A combined top-down and bottom-up LC-HRMS/MS method for the quantification of human growth hormone in plasma and serum. Growth Hormone & IGF Research. 72–73:101560
Blöchl C, Gstöttner C, Sénard T, Stork EM, Scherer HU, et al. 2023. A robust nanoscale RP HPLC-MS approach for sensitive Fc proteoform profiling of IgG allotypes. Analytica Chimica Acta. 341795
Kandi S, Cline EN, Rivera BM, Viola KL, Zhu J, et al. 2023. Amyloid β Proteoforms Elucidated by Quantitative LC/MS in the 5xFAD Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease. J. Proteome Res.
McGee JP, Su P, Durbin KR, Hollas MAR, Bateman NW, et al. 2023. Automated imaging and identification of proteoforms directly from ovarian cancer tissue. Nat Commun. 14(1):6478
Habeck T, Maciel EVS, Kretschmer K, Lermyte F. 2023. Charge site manipulation to enhance top-down fragmentation efficiency. Proteomics. n/a(n/a):2300082
Tabb DL, Jeong K, Druart K, Gant MS, Brown KA, et al. 2023. Comparing Top-Down Proteoform Identification: Deconvolution, PrSM Overlap, and PTM Detection. J. Proteome Res. 22(7):2199–2217
Lanzillotti M, Brodbelt JS. 2023. Comparison of Top-Down Protein Fragmentation Induced by 213 and 193 nm UVPD. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.
Pavek JG, Frey BL, Frost DC, Gu T-J, Li L, Smith LM. 2023. Cysteine Counting via Isotopic Chemical Labeling for Intact Mass Proteoform Identifications in Tissue. Anal. Chem.
Chapman EA, Aballo TJ, Melby JA, Zhou T, Price SJ, et al. 2023. Defining the Sarcomeric Proteoform Landscape in Ischemic Cardiomyopathy by Top-Down Proteomics. J. Proteome Res.
Melby JA, Brown KA, Gregorich ZR, Roberts DS, Chapman EA, et al. 2023. High sensitivity top–down proteomics captures single muscle cell heterogeneity in large proteoforms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120(19):e2222081120
McGee JP, Melani RD, Des Soye B, Croote D, Winton V, et al. 2023. Immunocomplexed Antigen Capture and Identification by Native Top-Down Mass Spectrometry. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.
Zhang Y, Cai Q, Luo Y, Zhang Y, Li H. 2023. Integrated top-down and bottom-up proteomics mass spectrometry for the characterization of endogenous ribosomal protein heterogeneity. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. 13(1):63–72
Adams LM, DeHart CJ, Drown BS, Anderson LC, Bocik W, et al. 2023. Mapping the KRAS proteoform landscape in colorectal cancer identifies truncated KRAS4B that decreases MAPK signaling. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 299(1):
Oluwole A, Shutin D, Bolla JR. 2023. Mass spectrometry of intact membrane proteins: shifting towards a more native-like context. Essays in Biochemistry. EBC20220169
Guo Y, Cupp-Sutton KA, Zhao Z, Anjum S, Wu S. 2023. Multidimensional separations in top–down proteomics. Analytical Science Advances. n/a(n/a):
Brown KA, Gugger MK, Yu Z, Moreno D, Jin S, Ge Y. 2023. Nonionic, Cleavable Surfactant for Top-Down Proteomics. Anal. Chem.
Guo Y, Chowdhury T, Seshadri M, Cupp-Sutton KA, Wang Q, et al. 2023. Optimization of Higher-Energy Collisional Dissociation Fragmentation Energy for Intact Protein-Level Tandem Mass Tag Labeling. J. Proteome Res.
Lloyd-Jones C, dos Santos Seckler H, DiStefano N, Sniderman A, Compton PD, et al. 2023. Preparative Electrophoresis for HDL Particle Size Separation and Intact-Mass Apolipoprotein Proteoform Analysis. J. Proteome Res.
You J, Park H-M. 2023. Progress in Top-Down LC-MS Analysis of Antibodies: Review. Biotechnol Bioproc E. 28(1):226–33
Chapman EA, Roberts DS, Tiambeng TN, Andrews J, Wang M-D, et al. 2023. Structure and dynamics of endogenous cardiac troponin complex in human heart tissue captured by native nanoproteomics. Nat Commun. 14(1):8400
Yang L, Stanisheuski S, Song Z, Bracha S, Maier CS. 2023. Top-down mass spectrometry for characterizing the low molecular weight proteome of canine osteosarcoma cell phenotypes. Eur J Mass Spectrom (Chichester). 14690667231202766
Polák M, Palasser M, Kádek A, Kavan D, Wootton CA, et al. 2023. Top-Down Proteoform Analysis by 2D MS with Quadrupolar Detection. Anal. Chem.
Olianas A, Guadalupi G, Cabras T, Contini C, Serrao S, et al. 2023. Top-Down Proteomics Detection of Potential Salivary Biomarkers for Autoimmune Liver Diseases Classification. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24(2):959
Fulcher JM, Swensen AC, Chen Y-C, Verchere CB, Petyuk VA, Qian W-J. 2023. Top-Down Proteomics of Mouse Islets With Beta Cell CPE Deletion Reveals Molecular Details in Prohormone Processing. Endocrinology. 164(12):bqad160
Miller SA, Jeanne Dit Fouque K, Hard ER, Balana AT, Kaplan D, et al. 2023. Top/Middle-Down Characterization of α-Synuclein Glycoforms. Anal. Chem.
Martin EA, Fulcher JM, Zhou M, Monroe ME, Petyuk VA. 2023. TopPICR: A Companion R Package for Top-Down Proteomics Data Analysis. J. Proteome Res.
Luo RY, Wong C, Xia JQ, Glader B, Shi R-Z, Zehnder JL. 2022. Accurate Identification of Hemoglobin Variants By Top-Down Protein Analysis Using Capillary Electrophoresis-High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Blood. 140(Supplement 1):5384–86
DiStefano N, Lloyd-Jones C, Seckler H, Compton P, Sniderman A, et al. 2022. Adaptation of Native GELFrEE for HDL Particle Size Subtype Separation and Differential Apolipoprotein Proteoform Quantification. The FASEB Journal. 36(S1):
Fornelli L, Toby TK. 2022. Characterization of large intact protein ions by mass spectrometry: What directions should we follow? Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics. 1870(4):140758
Lin Y, Agarwal AM, Marshall AG, Anderson LC. 2022. Characterization of Structural Hemoglobin Variants by Top-Down Mass Spectrometry and R Programming Tools for Rapid Identification. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 33(1):123–30
Brodbelt JS. 2022. Deciphering combinatorial post-translational modifications by top-down mass spectrometry. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology. 70:102180
Babović M, Shliaha PV, Gibb S, Jensen ON. 2022. Effective Amino Acid Sequencing of Intact Filgrastim by Multimodal Mass Spectrometry with Topdownr. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.
Shaw JB, Cooper-Shepherd DA, Hewitt D, Wildgoose JL, Beckman JS, et al. 2022. Enhanced Top-Down Protein Characterization with Electron Capture Dissociation and Cyclic Ion Mobility Spectrometry. Anal. Chem.
Jeong K, Babović M, Gorshkov V, Kim J, Jensen ON, Kohlbacher O. 2022. FLASHIda enables intelligent data acquisition for top–down proteomics to boost proteoform identification counts. Nat Commun. 13(1):4407
Rojas Ramírez C, Murtada R, Gao J, Ruotolo BT. 2022. Free Radical-Based Sequencing for Native Top-Down Mass Spectrometry. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.
Su P, McGee JP, Durbin KR, Hollas MAR, Yang M, et al. 2022. Highly multiplexed, label-free proteoform imaging of tissues by individual ion mass spectrometry. Science Advances. 8(32):eabp9929
Almuslehi MSM, Sen MK, Shortland PJ, Mahns DA, Coorssen JR. 2022. Histological and Top-Down Proteomic Analyses of the Visual Pathway in the Cuprizone Demyelination Model. J Mol Neurosci
Dunham SD, Wei B, Lantz C, Loo JA, Brodbelt JS. 2022. Impact of Internal Fragments on Top-Down Analysis of Intact Proteins by 193 nm UVPD. J. Proteome Res.
Wang Q, Sun L, Lundquist PK. 2022. Large-scale top-down proteomics of the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf and chloroplast proteomes. PROTEOMICS. n/a(n/a):2100377
Hale OJ, Cooper HJ. 2022. Native Ambient Mass Spectrometry of an Intact Membrane Protein Assembly and Soluble Protein Assemblies Directly from Lens Tissue. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 61(31):e202201458
Liu R, Xia S, Li H. 2022. Native top-down mass spectrometry for higher-order structural characterization of proteins and complexes. Mass Spectrometry Reviews. n/a(n/a):e21793
Burnum-Johnson KE, Conrads TP, Drake RR, Herr AE, Iyengar R, et al. 2022. New Views of Old Proteins: Clarifying the Enigmatic Proteome. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 21(7):
Rossetti DV, Inserra I, Nesticò A, Vincenzoni F, Iavarone F, et al. 2022. Pediatric Brain Tumors: Signatures from the Intact Proteome. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23(6):3196
Zhan Z, Wang L. 2022. Proteoform identification based on top-down tandem mass spectra with peak error corrections. Briefings in Bioinformatics. bbab599
Yang M, Hu H, Su P, Thomas PM, Camarillo JM, et al. 2022. Proteoform-Selective Imaging of Tissues Using Mass Spectrometry. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. n/a(n/a):
Habeck T, Lermyte F. 2022. Seeing the complete picture: proteins in top-down mass spectrometry. Essays in Biochemistry. EBC20220098
Fornelli L, Ayoub D, Srzentic K, Nagornov K, Kozhinov A, et al. 2022. Structural Analysis of Monoclonal Antibodies with Top-down and Middledown Electron Transfer Dissociation Mass Spectrometry: The First Decade. CHIMIA. 76(1–2):114–114
Meier-Credo J, Preiss L, Wüllenweber I, Resemann A, Nordmann C, et al. 2022. Top-Down Identification and Sequence Analysis of Small Membrane Proteins Using MALDI-MS/MS. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.
McCool EN, Lubeckyj RA, Chen D, Sun L. 2022. Top-Down Proteomics by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis-Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Large-Scale Characterization of Proteoforms in Complex Samples. In Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry : Methods and Protocols, eds. C Neusüß, K Jooß, pp. 107–24. New York, NY: Springer US
Rangel DL, Melani RD, Carvalho EL, Boldo JT, Gomes dos Santos T, et al. 2022. Venom characterization of the Brazilian Pampa snake Bothrops pubescens by top-down and bottom-up proteomics. Toxicon. 220:106937
Weisbrod CR, Anderson LC, Hendrickson CL, Schaffer LV, Shortreed MR, et al. 2021. Advanced Strategies for Proton-Transfer Reactions Coupled with Parallel Ion Parking on a 21 T FT-ICR MS for Intact Protein Analysis. Anal. Chem.
Rommelfanger SR, Zhou M, Shaghasi H, Tzeng S-C, Evans BS, et al. 2021. An Improved Top-Down Mass Spectrometry Characterization of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Histones and Their Post-translational Modifications. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.
Lantz C, Zenaidee MA, Wei B, Hemminger Z, Ogorzalek Loo RR, Loo JA. 2021. ClipsMS: An Algorithm for Analyzing Internal Fragments Resulting from Top-Down Mass Spectrometry. J. Proteome Res. 20(4):1928–35
Schaffer LV, Anderson LC, Butcher DS, Shortreed MR, Miller RM, et al. 2021. Construction of Human Proteoform Families from 21 Tesla Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry Top-Down Proteomic Data. J. Proteome Res. 20(1):317–25
Gerbasi VR, Melani RD, Abbatiello SE, Belford MW, Huguet R, et al. 2021. Deeper Protein Identification Using Field Asymmetric Ion Mobility Spectrometry in Top-Down Proteomics. Anal. Chem.
Borges Lima D, Dupré M, Mariano Santos MD, Carvalho PC, Chamot-Rooke J. 2021. DiagnoTop: A Computational Pipeline for Discriminating Bacterial Pathogens without Database Search. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.
Barbu IM, Lamers R-JAN, Gerritsen HW, Blokland MH, Bremer MGEG, Alewijn M. 2021. Endogenous protein and peptide analysis with LC-MS/(MS): A feasibility study for authentication of raw-milk farmer's cheese. International Dairy Journal. 117:104990
Beckman JS, Voinov VG, Hare M, Sturgeon D, Vasil'ev Y, et al. 2021. Improved Protein and PTM Characterization with a Practical Electron-Based Fragmentation on Q-TOF Instruments. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.
Lu L, Scalf M, Shortreed MR, Smith LM. 2021. Mesh Fragmentation Improves Dissociation Efficiency in Top-down Proteomics. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.
Melby JA, Roberts DS, Larson EJ, Brown KA, Bayne EF, et al. 2021. Novel Strategies to Address the Challenges in Top-Down Proteomics. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 32(6):1278–94
Römer J, Stolz A, Kiessig S, Moritz B, Neusüß C. 2021. Online Top-down Mass Spectrometric Identification of CE(SDS)-separated Antibody Fragments by Two-dimensional Capillary Electrophoresis. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 114089
Luise A, De Cecco E, Ponzini E, Sollazzo M, Mauri P, et al. 2021. Profiling Dopamine-Induced Oxidized Proteoforms of β-synuclein by Top-Down Mass Spectrometry. Antioxidants. 10(6):893
Arauz-Garofalo G, Jodar M, Vilanova M, de la Iglesia Rodriguez A, Castillo J, et al. 2021. Protamine Characterization by Top-Down Proteomics: Boosting Proteoform Identification with DBSCAN. Proteomes. 9(2):21
Jeanne Dit Fouque K, Kaplan D, Voinov VG, Holck FHV, Jensen ON, Fernandez-Lima F. 2021. Proteoform Differentiation using Tandem Trapped Ion Mobility, Electron Capture Dissociation, and ToF Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem.
Brunner AM, Lössl P, Geurink PP, Ovaa H, Albanese P, et al. 2021. Quantifying Positional Isomers (QPI) by top-down mass spectrometry. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 100070
Yu D, Wang Z, Cupp-Sutton KA, Guo Y, Kou Q, et al. 2021. Quantitative Top-Down Proteomics in Complex Samples Using Protein-Level Tandem Mass Tag Labeling. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.
Schachner LF, Tran DP, Lee A, McGee JP, Jooss K, et al. 2021. Reassembling protein complexes after controlled disassembly by top-down mass spectrometry in native mode. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 116591
Nickerson JL, Baghalabadi V, Rajendran SRCK, Jakubec PJ, Said H, et al. 2021. Recent advances in top-down proteome sample processing ahead of MS analysis. Mass Spectrometry Reviews. n/a(n/a):
Kline JT, Mullen C, Durbin KR, Oates RN, Huguet R, et al. 2021. Sequential Ion–Ion Reactions for Enhanced Gas-Phase Sequencing of Large Intact Proteins in a Tribrid Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 32(9):2334–45
Zhang Z, Hug C, Tao Y, Bitsch F, Yang Y. 2021. Solving Complex Biologics Truncation Problems by Top-Down Mass Spectrometry. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.
Roberts DS, Mann MW, Melby JA, Larson EJ, Zhu Y, et al. 2021. Structural O-Glycoform Heterogeneity of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Receptor-Binding Domain Revealed by Native Top-Down Mass Spectrometry. bioRxiv. 2021.02.28.433291
Smith LM, Agar JN, Chamot-Rooke J, Danis PO, Ge Y, et al. 2021. The Human Proteoform Project: Defining the human proteome. Science Advances. 7(46):
Simanjuntak Y, Schamoni-Kast K, Grün A, Uetrecht C, Scaturro P. 2021. Top-Down and Bottom-Up Proteomics Methods to Study RNA Virus Biology. Viruses. 13(4):668
Lefebvre D, Fenaille F, Merda D, Blanco-Valle K, Feraudet-Tarisse C, et al. 2021. Top-Down Mass Spectrometry for Trace Level Quantification of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin A Variants. J. Proteome Res.
Lermyte F. 2021. Top-Down Mass Spectrometry of Intact Proteins and Complexes: From Rare to Routine. Chromatography Online.
Nagy C, Andrási M, Hamidli N, Gyémánt G, Gáspár A. 2021. Top-down proteomic analysis of monoclonal antibodies by capillary zone electrophoresis - mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography Open. 100024
Choi IK, Jiang T, Kankara SR, Wu S, Liu X. 2021. TopMSV: A Web-Based Tool for Top-Down Mass Spectrometry Data Visualization. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.
Wei B, Zenaidee MA, Lantz C, Ogorzalek Loo RR, Loo JA. 2021. Towards understanding the formation of internal fragments generated by collisionally activated dissociation for top-down mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta. 339400
DeHart CJ, Anderson LC, Adams LM, Fornelli L, Hendrickson CL, Kelleher NL. 2020. Abstract A26: Precise characterization and comparison of KRAS proteoforms by top-down mass spectrometry. Mol Cancer Res. 18(5 Supplement):A26–A26
Coradin M, Mendoza MR, Sidoli S, Alpert AJ, Lu C, Garcia BA. 2020. Bullet points to evaluate the performance of the middle-down proteomics workflow for histone modification analysis. Methods
Patrie SM, Cline EN. 2020. Chapter 17 - Top-down mass spectrometry for protein molecular diagnostics, structure analysis, and biomarker discovery. In Proteomic and Metabolomic Approaches to Biomarker Discovery (Second Edition), eds. HJ Issaq, TD Veenstra, pp. 313–26. Boston: Academic Press
Giorgetti J, Beck A, Leize-Wagner E, François Y-N. 2020. Combination of intact, middle-up and bottom-up levels to characterize 7 therapeutic monoclonal antibodies by capillary electrophoresis – mass spectrometry. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 113107
Gault J, Liko I, Landreh M, Shutin D, Bolla JR, et al. 2020. Combining native and 'omics' mass spectrometry to identify endogenous ligands bound to membrane proteins. Nat Methods. 17(5):505–8
Vimer S, Ben-Nissan G, Sharon M. 2020. Direct characterization of overproduced proteins by native mass spectrometry. Nat Protoc. 1–30
Gadkari VV, Ramírez CR, Vallejo DD, Kurulugama RT, Fjeldsted JC, Ruotolo BT. 2020. Enhanced Collision Induced Unfolding and Electron Capture Dissociation of Native-like Protein Ions. Anal. Chem.
McIlwain SJ, Wu Z, Wetzel M, Belongia D, Jin Y, et al. 2020. Enhancing Top-Down Proteomics Data Analysis by Combining Deconvolution Results through a Machine Learning Strategy. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.
Jeong K, Kim J, Gaikwad M, Hidayah SN, Heikaus L, et al. 2020. FLASHDeconv: Ultrafast, High-Quality Feature Deconvolution for Top-Down Proteomics. cels. 10(2):213-218.e6
Cupp-Sutton KA, Wu S. 2020. High-throughput quantitative top-down proteomics. Mol. Omics
Zhou M, Lantz C, Brown KA, Ge Y, Paša-Tolić L, et al. 2020. Higher-order structural characterisation of native proteins and complexes by top-down mass spectrometry. Chem. Sci.
Schaffer LV, Millikin RJ, Shortreed MR, Scalf M, Smith LM. 2020. Improving Proteoform Identifications in Complex Systems Through Integration of Bottom-Up and Top-Down Data. J. Proteome Res.
Weisbrod CR, Anderson LC, Greer JB, DeHart CJ, Hendrickson CL. 2020. Increased Single Spectrum Top-Down Protein Sequence Coverage in Trapping Mass Spectrometers with Chimeric Ion Loading. Anal. Chem.
Kafader JO, Durbin KR, Melani RD, Des Soye BJ, Schachner LF, et al. 2020. Individual Ion Mass Spectrometry Enhances the Sensitivity and Sequence Coverage of Top-Down Mass Spectrometry. J. Proteome Res.
Srzentić K, Fornelli L, Tsybin YO, Loo JA, Seckler H, et al. 2020. Interlaboratory Study for Characterizing Monoclonal Antibodies by Top-Down and Middle-Down Mass Spectrometry. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 31(9):1783–1802
Zenaidee MA, Lantz C, Perkins T, Jung W, Loo RRO, Loo JA. 2020. Internal Fragments Generated by Electron Ionization Dissociation Enhance Protein Top-Down Mass Spectrometry. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 31(9):1896–1902
Gallagher K, Palasser Michael, Hughes S, Mackay CL, Kilgour DPA, Clarke DJ. 2020. Isotope Depletion Mass Spectrometry (ID-MS) for accurate mass determination and improved top-down sequence coverage of intact proteins. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.
Wu Z, Roberts DS, Melby JA, Wenger K, Wetzel M, et al. 2020. MASH Explorer: A Universal Software Environment for Top-Down Proteomics. J. Proteome Res.
Shliaha PV, Gorshkov V, Kovalchuk SI, Schwämmle V, Baird MA, et al. 2020. Middle-Down Proteomic Analyses with Ion Mobility Separations of Endogenous Isomeric Proteoforms. Anal. Chem.
Tiambeng TN, Roberts DS, Brown KA, Zhu Y, Chen B, et al. 2020. Nanoproteomics enables proteoform-resolved analysis of low-abundance proteins in human serum. Nat Commun. 11(1):1–12
Hale OJ, Cooper HJ. 2020. Native Mass Spectrometry Imaging and In Situ Top-Down Identification of Intact Proteins Directly from Tissue. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 31(12):2531–37
Dupré M, Duchateau M, Malosse C, Lima DB, Calvaresi V, et al. 2020. Optimization of a Top-Down Proteomics Platform for Closely-Related Pathogenic Bacteria Discrimination. J. Proteome Res.
Takemori A, Butcher DS, Harman VM, Brownridge P, Shima K, et al. 2020. PEPPI-MS: Polyacrylamide-Gel-Based Prefractionation for Analysis of Intact Proteoforms and Protein Complexes by Mass Spectrometry. J. Proteome Res. 19(9):3779–91
Polasky DA, Dixit SM, Keating MF, Gadkari VV, Andrews PC, Ruotolo BT. 2020. Pervasive Charge Solvation Permeates Native-like Protein Ions and Dramatically Influences Top-down Sequencing Data. J. Am. Chem. Soc.
Chen D, Lubeckyj RA, Yang Z, McCool EN, Shen X, et al. 2020. Predicting Electrophoretic Mobility of Proteoforms for Large-Scale Top-Down Proteomics. Anal. Chem.
Lima DB, Dupré M, Duchateau M, Gianetto QG, Rey M, et al. 2020. ProteoCombiner: integrating bottom-up with top-down proteomics data for improved proteoform assessment. Bioinformatics
Zhong J, Sun Y, Xie M, Peng W, Zhang C, et al. 2020. Proteoform characterization based on top-down mass spectrometry. Brief Bioinform
DelGuidice CE, Ismaiel OA, Mylott Jr WR, Halquist MS. 2020. Quantitative Bioanalysis of Intact Large Molecules using Mass Spectrometry. J Appl Bioanal. 6(1):52–64
Zhou M, Uwugiaren N, Williams SM, Moore RJ, Zhao R, et al. 2020. Sensitive Top-Down Proteomics Analysis of a Low Number of Mammalian Cells Using a Nanodroplet Sample Processing Platform. Anal. Chem.
Dubois C, Payen D, Simon S, Junot C, Fenaille F, et al. 2020. Top-down and bottom-up proteomics of circulating S100A8/S100A9 in plasma of septic shock patients. J. Proteome Res.
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