Bridging the Gaps between Academia, Clinical Research, and Biopharmaceutical Industry

We enjoyed seeing many of you at the recent ASMS meeting and are very excited about the growing interest and energy around top-down proteomics and proteoform biology. There were over 200 attendees at the Top-Down Proteomics Workshop as well as several sessions dedicated to Top-Down.

We have the Workshop presentation slides available as well as a very nice summary of the Panel Discussions prepared by Corinne Lutomski of Oxford University.  The Workshop organizers, Yuri van der Burgt of Leiden University and Fanny Caroline Liu of Florida State University, provided introductory remarks about the CTDP and the ECR Committee.

This was followed by updates on the Golden Data Set Initiative by Kyowon Jeong of the University of Tuebingen, and the MS/MS Protocol Initiative by Luca Fornelli, University of Oklahoma.  Their presentations can be accessed by clicking the image below.